Money Saving Hacks When You’re Broke In Your Twenties

Money Saving Hacks


Being in your twenties means so many exciting adventures to take, and so many fun milestones to meet in your life. But all of that also comes with needing money to fulfill said milestones and adventures…not so fun now is it. 

Moving out three years ago, going through post-secondary school, holding a few full-time jobs and now entering a new phase of life (I recently got engaged!), a lot of budgeting has come into play. 

It’s definitely not east to balance wanting to have fun in your twenties with trying to prepare yourself for the future, but over the years I’ve picked up some habits that really help with managing money (especially when you don’t have a lot of it!). 

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7 Gift Ideas For The Friend Who’s Kind Of A Nerd

Gift Guide Nerd

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Sometimes a few of us can come off a littttttle bit like a nerd. We fan girl a little, we geek out a lot – and girl that’s totally okay! 

Embrace the weird ones in your life and feed their quirkiness.

This gift guide will provide you with the ultimate nerdy gifts to satisfy the “different” ones in your life. 

So whether they’re a super fan of a series, love robots and science, these gifts are top notch for the special ones in your life. 

 Check out my other gift guides here:


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Ultimate List of Board Games For A Game Night

Board Games

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If you know us, you know we’re big board games people – I’m talking we’ve got a dresser full, some stuffed in our TV stand, some at the top of the coat closet – we’re really busting at the seams with these games. 

It’s just so fun to get together with some friends and have some good old fashioned at home fun (ahem, saving money) over some board games. 

We often will turn our board games into drinking games somehow as well, so if you think board games are lame, try doing that first.

I wrote a post way back when all about how to host a game night and some tips on being a good host, so I highly recommend heading over that way if you’re planning a game night soon!

The winter months kinda force you to cozy in and hunker down, so why not pass the time with some awesome board games!

Game nights are so great for rainy days, holiday gatherings with your family or cuddled by the fire in those cold winter months. 

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Our Engagement Story

Engagement Story

If ya haven’t heard the news, on September 21st Justin and I got engaged! We’ve been together for about 6.5 years, are high school sweethearts and are SO beyond excited. The weekend we got engaged was so so magical and I want to remember all the cute and silly details forever – thus why this post! 

Without too much rambling on, I’ll get to the story of how he proposed! (Oh! I also added a little Q&A at the very end of this post to answer a few repeated questions we’e gotten so far, if you’re nosy and like all the deets!)

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