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Oh moving out into your very first apartment – that factor of life that everyone either loves or hates. Personally, I was super excited to move out, but not without a couple of fears and doubts.
Let me tell you, it is not easy affording to live on your own when you’re only twenty. And it’ll only get more difficult in these next few weeks when I become a student again.
It feels like I haven’t sat down to write a post in such a long time! Ah moving really takes the life out of you, I’ll tell ya.
So where the hell have I been the last two weeks!? Well!
Last week I was over at my moms every day after work helping her pack up our childhood home. On Sunday we said goodbye, left the keys on the counter and walked out of the very empty house I grew up in the last seventeen years.
(And all this week I’ve been packing and moving into our own new apartment, but that’s another story in itself!)
I moved out of that house about a year ago, but never really had to say goodbye because I knew it was still there, with all of our “stuff”.
Our favourite stuffed animals, the dollhouse, our fort under the stairs with all the messages written on the walls. It was all still there to come back to.
But this past weekend it was time to say goodbye and move on to bigger and better things.
To reminisce on my childhood home, I’d like to look back on some of my very favourite memories and quirks that truly made that house a home.
** Stay tuned to the end of the post to see our lovely recreation of the first picture my mom, my sister and I first took when we moved into the house! **
Not gonna lie, I am friggin tired, like all the time.
There are so many factors that make me feel tired. For one, I work a labour job, 40 hours a week. Obviously I am going to be physically tired from that.
With high school graduation coming up (or just passing!) I thought I would share a tidbit of advice for the recent graduates.
I know I’ve only been graduated from high school for three years, but a lot has happened and changed in those three years, and I have some advice to share.