The last couple days we’ve been having some pretty dreary weather, so I thought I would throw it back and reminisce on our trip to Mexico last February!
We had thought about taking a trip for awhile, but never really put any plans into action.
At the beginning of January, Justin started looking online for some vacations. He ended up finding a good deal, and I took the plunge and said, “Hell, why not!” and we booked it for the thirty-first of January for an all inclusive one week vacation to Cabo.
Eeeek! We were too pumped. And it would be our first big trip as just the two of us.
The time came and we hopped aboard our plane! Everything went super smooth in the airport.

We got to our hotel Saturday evening and were absolutely starving. And of course it was the one hour of the day where food wasn’t being served anywhere. Well, drinks will fill us up for now right? Hah.
Sunday – our first full day! Well, I wouldn’t call it a full day considering we had crashed by 1pm. We made some friends, had a little bit too much tequila shots – you know the drill. Yikes.
We paced ourselves much better for the rest of the trip. Lesson learned.
This trip was very relaxing. We mostly spent our time lounging by the pool sipping on drinks, taking walks on the beach, playing some beach volleyball.

On Tuesday we ventured out to Cabo San Lucas. We took the public bus for a whopping $6 round trip – much better than the $90 cab ride to get there and back. We went with a couple other friends we had made, which made things feel safer. We hit up a bar called El Squid Roe and chowed down on nachos, beer & cheese fries. Such a neat place.

When we were leaving, the song “Shots” came on. What we didn’t know was whenever that song came on in the bar, the servers ran over to every table, poured shots (fruit punch I believe) in everyone’s mouths and swished their heads around. Nice.
On Thursday, we were hanging out in the pool with some friends. I left for a moment to go to the bathroom, and when I returned back to the pool, Justin asked me if he had any marks on his face. I noticed his whole side of his face swollen and scratched.
What the hell happened dude!
Apparently, Justin had been swimming underwater, gone a little sideways when he thought he was going straight, and swam face first into the pool wall. HAH. Classic Justin.
Poor guy though, it looked so painful.
But don’t worry, he told everyone he got in a fight and won.
We had such a wonderful time, met wonderful people and our trip came to an end the following Saturday afternoon.
Our flight home was definitely interesting though.
We were waiting at our gate and every flight around us was getting delayed, so we figured we’d have time for a beer before we boarded. But nope! As soon as we got our beers, they began boarding our plane – early! Yay for chugging a full beer than boarding an airplane.
When we made it back into Alberta. their became a problem with our plane. At first they said there was nothing to worry about, but it began to progress.
They ended up having to call in for an emergency landing in Calgary, and when we landed there were fire trucks, EMS, police – the whole shebang (is that a term anymore??).
Anywho, all was fine, we switched planes and headed home.
I was actually way more calm than I thought I would be, and I attribute that to the fact that I had such horrible stomach pains on the plane that I was more concerned with that than the doom of our plane crashing, which totally makes sense right.
All in all it was a wonderful trip and I can’t wait for our next adventure together!
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