Monthly Memories | April 2017

I sit here to write this as it is currently snowing like crazy outside. At the end of April.


Welcome to Alberta. Sigh.

Other than our never-ending winter, April has been a fun yet crazy month. We moved into our new place, I finished up my winter semester of school and we went camping two weekends in a row (in the snow!).

A busy month – that’s only going to get busier as the summer months come upon us. 


First Week of April

We started out the month by moving into our new place on April 1st. Our friends are champs and were so so helpful in moving all of our stuff from our old apartment.

It decided to rain a wee bit on moving day, but thankfully nothing got ruined and all of our stuff got here safely.

I’m still trying to get used to all of this space (we went from a small apartment to a three level duplex) and not being able to see the front door from every room like I used to lol.

I was able to do some baking one of our first days in the new place and I’m happy to report we have a working oven! Our old place’s oven took legitimately an hour to preheat, and never cooked things properly.

I rarely baked because stuff never turned out great because of that. I’m very excited to have a working oven with which I can get back in to baking with.


Second Week of April

My classes finished up and I just had finals to focus on.

This semester has been just a shitshow with everything else going on that I am not sad to see it go. I’m excited to have a fresh start with full time work and my spring class and leave Winter Semester behind me.


On Easter weekend we decided to have our very first camping trip of the season! It was lots of fun, but oh man did we ever get a lot of snow. Build-a-snowman type of lots of snow. 











Thank goodness we have a trailer (with a furnace!) this year or would that trip have ever been miserable LOL. It really wasn’t that cold, but the constant snowing would’ve made tenting unbearable.


Third Week of April

The following weekend we returned back to camping and the snow had melted! 

These photos are less than a week apart:

April 2017

April 2017











April 2017

April 2017







Annnnd then we woke up to a winter wonderland again on Sunday morning LOL.

April 2017


April was a fairly busy, yet fun month with the beginning of our camping season. The months are only going to get busier here on out, full of camping, trips and being back to full time work! 


To follow along with my daily adventures, find me on Instagram and Twitter!