Wedding Dress Shopping | What You Should Know

With an engagement and wedding planning comes the big “say yes to the dress”!

I’ve had so many nerves leading up to the time of wedding dress shopping, and tried my best to take some advice, learn what I can about it and prepare myself. 

As someone who’s not super big on shopping as it is, going out and trying on $1000+ dresses really didn’t seem like the best way to spend my time (& money). 

Of course I have to find something to wear on my big day, and obviously I want it to be a more special piece than my regular fancy garb, but it all seemed pretty daunting and silly to me. 

Because let’s be honest – you wear the thing for one day. 

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Have We Set A Date!? | Wedding Planning Update

Wedding Planning - Engagement
Photo By Steph Donaher Photography

So if you haven’t heard (aka been far away from my Instagram the last eight months) I got engaged! I chatted all about the proposal over in this post if your curious and nosy and like cute love stories.

The first few months we really hadn’t done a whole lot of wedding planning – we wanted a bunch of time to just soak it all in without diving into the planning process. 

That few months of soaking it in turned into a few more months and I decided it was about time we start booking things. We had already decided on a Fall 2020 wedding, so it was time to get our butts in gear. 

I knew I wanted tons of time to plan, so I’m super grateful to still have about a year and a half to knock out all the wedding tasks. 

The biggest and most daunting of all was definitely the venue (which also means the date!) and I’m so excited to announce that we finally booked

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Gift Guide Bride To Be

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Calling all friends of bride to be’s!

The holidays often come with many engagements! And if you’re in your mid twenties, you’re bound to have at least one friend who’s engaged right now. 

Last year I was the maid of honour for my (future) sister in law, and it was so exciting! I really had to tame myself because it truly is so fun to shower your bride to be with all the things. The bachelorette in particular is so much fun to plan.

So if you’ve recently been asked to be apart of the bride tribe, or they’re just a friend, coworker or family member of yours, these gift ideas are perfect for all the engaged gals in your life who are loving the fiance life and in the midst of (or can’t wait to start!) wedding planning.

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What To Expect After Getting Engaged


If you haven’t heard the news, Justin and I got engaged back in September! You can read all about the proposal here, and check my Instagram for lots of ring pictures and updates!

Since then, I’ve been doing a lot (& I mean a lot) of reading and research on weddings. We’ve decided to have a bit of a longer engagement (two years ish), as we don’t plan on doing any major planning or booking until the new year. 

So far it’s been so fun just to read up, throw ideas around and fantasize a bit. 

I’ve come across a lot of information about being newly engaged, and I thought it would be fun to share that! Though we already live together, so not much has changed (or will change with marriage), some things do feel different now that we’re engaged.

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